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These products are for bridge construction, such as basin rubber bearing, plate rubber bearing, etc.     

Sisslyn is an excellent Basin Rubber Bearing & Plate Rubber Bearing Supplier.

These products plays a good role in reducing earthquake damage to houses and bridges.

These products are for bridge construction, such as basin rubber bearing, plate rubber bearing, etc.

Basically seismic isolation can be defined as reducing the effect of seismic action on the building through placement of isolation units which has high stiffness in vertical direction while very low stiffness in horizontal direction.

Seismic base isolation has been used with increasing popularity to protect structures, together with their occupants, secondary systems and internal equipment.Seismic isolation building technology that flexibly absorbs the shaking of an earthquake and protects the lifeline of the building. There are two ways to protect buildings from earthquakes: "seismic resistance" and "seismic isolation."

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